Thursday 21 January 2010

It Turns Out...

...That my life is not interesting enough to blog about. So therefore I have the options to delete the account or clog up the internerd with pointless twitterings about nonesnsical things that mean nothing to anyone but me. To be honest the latter is sounding more appealing the more I think about it. 

ReCap of the past few months:
After the breakup, piggie flu, stress, work, holiday, uni, placement, more stress, more placement, more uni work and finally christmas and all the hooha that comes with it I finally made it to 2010. Barely. I decided to face this year with a new mentality that I can defeat anything I set my mind to. So far it seems to be working. If I try and be positive then I can be positive. Who knew?! All those months in the depths of despair were not necessary, although it was hard to see that at the time. New chapter. New start. New mentality. Hello new life. 

Sunshine & Sparkles.

Thursday 30 July 2009


Ok having not posted since May 10th is pretty shameful! I have had such a busy couple of months that blogging was the last thing on my mind!! Fresh start today. Since then I have completed my second year at uni, something many people never thought I would manage! I have broken up with my boyfriend, but it feels awesome, we are still great friends and it's all working out splendidly. On that note I have changed my holiday plans to include a visit to my sister whom I have no seen for nearly 4 years! Madness. USA here I come!! :D I have also come down with the dreaded swine flu, this is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy, it was truly awful. Now I have to build my fitness levels up and that means running again. I am so looking forward to seeing what my body can do, it has had a couple of weeks of very little food (being poorly and a break-up makes you lose so much weight!) and even less exercise. I have also been baking a fair bit. Knitted cupcakes have been my newest adventure, but more on those in a separate post. I think that's all for now. Oh I also turned 22, but it was over shadowed with swine flu, so wasn't overly eventful. Yup, that's definately it for now.

Sunshine & Sparkles

Sunday 10 May 2009

Marathon Challenge!

Ok so after a conversation with a friend the other day I was challenged to complete a Marathon within one year. So I decided to get on it straight away, I went to a specialist running shop and they advised me which running shoes to get. I had to try some on and run on the treadmill whilst they filmed my feet, which was a little bizarre, but actually very handy. I now realise I have never seen the backs of my heels properly. The nice lady in the shop brought me out a few different pairs, but when I put on one pair, they just spoke to me and asked me to buy them! They are so amazingly comfortable and a complete investment! I figured that I could not justify spending the money (£92 including socks!!) unless I was really going to put them to good use. I really want to be able to complete a marathon, and not just run it, but actually complete it in a good time :) Regular updates will be happening, I figure my blog is a good place for me to keep track of how good I am doing! My first run today went amazingly, it barely felt like I had shoes on and my fitness can only improve! Sunshine & Sparkles xxxx

Wednesday 6 May 2009

End of the year

Ok so not being able to blog a lot has been rather lame recently. I have had an awful lot of work on and when I haven't been working I've been sleeping! I had a bit of a genius moment the other day (at least I think it was a genius moment) concerning university planning. I think that they shouldn't make everyone cram for exams and essays all at once at the end of the year, it should be a continual staggered process. Knowing how much stress people go through at the end of the academic year they should take this into consideration and do their best to limit this. I really should be allowed to run the country. I'd do a much better job! There would be cupcake days and no stress! :)

Sunshine & Sparkles!

Wednesday 25 March 2009


I have spent the past two night re-reading my 2 PostSecret books and just needed to share the love. PostSecret was started by Frank Warren and it is a truly amazing phenomenon! Every book has at least one secret of mine that I've never shared and it's amazing how even just writing down your secret can relieve you of an amazing burden! My boyfriend introduced me to it by buying me my first book for my birthday a couple of years ago and since then I've been hooked. You should check out his blog here! It's an incredible thing to be let into peoples darkest and sometimes brightest places in their lives and I am in awe of the whole thing :)

Sunshine & Sparkles!

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Now I realise I have not posted for a while, this has been due to my incredibly increased work load from uni!! I am a very organised person, and have all my essays under control at the moment, but just thought I would take a moment out of working hard to post about how proud I am that I have not been stressing! I usually get really organised, then part way through all of my work, have a nervous breakdown and want to tear my hair out. This time round, for whatever reason (I'm thinking it's because I know that this is my final few weeks on this horrid course!) I have been calm and collected through everything. This is including a ten minute presentation, that is not assessed, but you can lose marks for!? This was a genius moment (I use the term 'genius' very lightly!) one of my lecturers had. 6 weeks to go and then I get a 4 month break and can finally start my new course! Roll on summer!

Sunshine & Sparkles!!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Valentines Love

So last year my boyfriend and I didn't really do anything and this year I really wanted to make it special. We set a budget, decided to stay in for dinner and had a really fantastic day!! The boy made a home made pizza (yum!) and I made lemon drizzle cupcakes. I decorated his NES with balloons and was really proud of myself as I am scared of them! I got a beautiful diamond ring (pictures to come later) and it is so pretty and sparkly!! We stayed in and watched the Pokemon movie that I bought him, just as something light hearted. It was a lovely day and I really enjoyed the effort we both made. I hope everyone else in a relationship or not had a lovely Valentines day!

Sunshine & Sparkles